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Tails From The Trails

Barcaldine Forest by @tailsofthali

Check out this awe inspiring adventure with Thali in Scotland!

3 years ago

Barcaldine Forest by @tailsofthali

3 years ago

Location: Scotland, United Kingdom

Difficulty: Medium

Gear Needed: Dog leash, Dog collar, Dog backpack


"Being in our second lockdown we decided to see what adventures we could get to leaving out of the back door, especially when there's actual sun in Scotland!

Only intending to head out for a couple hours it turned into quite the adventure!
We headed to Sutherlands Grove with the essential marmalade sandwich to fuel us all. There are ancient trees and a gorge that takes your breath away no matter how many times you see it!

Headed to our usual trail around the damn but half way through we went off track to follow a waterfall up. Navigating our way through the forest following the dog, over a deer fence and into the mountains!

There were herds of deer everywhere and loads of waterfalls but we couldn't wait to get to top for some views! We found a surprise ravine between two hills where Thali found a good antler to munch on. Hours later of walking the ridge down and watching the sunset we got home absolutely starving but couldn't be happier thawing off in front of the fire!"

Submitted By: @tailsofthali


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