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3 years ago

Tails From The Trails

Big Bend National Park by @markyandgrey

Check out this Tail on The Trail with Grey the German Shepherd near San Antonio, Texas.

3 years ago

Big Bend National Park by @markyandgrey

3 years ago

Location: Texas, United States

Difficulty: Easy

Gear Needed: Dog HarnessDog leash, Dog boots, Dog treats/food, Dog first aid kit


"Not going to lie, I was nervous our National Park overlanding/camping trip. It was both, Grey & I's big trip together. We stayed 3 nights & 4 days in the park & I may have over packed for the both of us.

As a first timer, I think the most important thing to bring along any adventure is a first aid kit for both you & your furbaby. Always expect the unexpected. Everything else is personal preference.

The majority of the time we were in the car & our sweet Grey has car anxiety. Thankfully we found a natural supplement to help & it was smooth sailing from there.

Overall, I was so impressed with how well Grey did on the camping trip. He is truly a natural & it was clear how much he enjoyed the trip just by looking at the pictures. This was first of many more adventures to come."

Submitted By: @markyandgrey


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