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3 years ago

Tails From The Trails

Great Sand Dunes National Park by @troontheaussie

Explore the awe inspiring elegance of Great Sand Dunes National Park with Troon and her owner as they set out on a road trip!

3 years ago

Great Sand Dunes National Park by @troontheaussie

3 years ago

Location: Colorado, United States

Difficulty: Medium

Gear Needed: Dog treats/food, Dog leash, Dog collar, Portable water bowl, Dog backpack


"I was taking my first ever solo road trip, driving from Breckinridge, CO to Santa Fe, NM and decided to stop and explore the Great Sand Dunes National Park.

Troon is the ultimate adventure sidekick, but as I was driving up to the dunes I was awestruck by their grandeur and the contrast of the dunes and the mountains and I had the distinct thought of how great it would be to explore them with someone else.

Just as I started walking up the dunes Troon saw another dog and refused to walk on without saying hi. Both dogs were herding breeds and became fast friends and I ended up hiking the dunes for four hours with the dog and her owner.

Like the dogs, we became fast friends and much to our surprise had a lot in common and had even both lived in the same small town in England when we were younger. We were both on solo road trips and headed in opposite directions after our hike but we both commented on how nice it was to take in the true raw beauty of the dunes with a friend."

Submitted By: @troontheaussie


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