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3 years ago

Tails From The Trails

Pincushion Mountain Overlook by @minnesota_mutts

Would you let your dogs join on your honeymoon? Of course!

3 years ago

Pincushion Mountain Overlook by @minnesota_mutts

3 years ago

Location: Minnesota, United States

Difficulty: Easy

Gear Needed: Dog leash, Dog collar, Portable water bowl, Dog treats/food


"Honeymoons are better with the dogs! We took a mini getaway up the Minnesota north shore with the girls. It was just slightly past peak for fall color, but the trails were just gorgeous with striking yellow leaves against the green conifers!

Our favorite trail was the short hike up to Pincushion Mountain overlook. The trail weaves through trees and new boardwalks maintained by the Superior Hiking Trail Association. If you're lucky you may see moose, black bear or wolves. We only had the company of a few squirrels who enjoyed teasing the girls! The last bit of trail is up a steep grade of rock. At the top you can see for miles it seems on several sides. You get sweeping views of the forest and Lake Superior. It's a fantastic spot for sunrise or a midday picnic."

Submitted By: @minnesota_mutts


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